Testimonials From
Iqra Islamic School Alumni
Read about out what the experience of attending Iqra Islamic School was like for some of our alumni. If you want to submit your testimonial, just use the button below and fill out the form.
Iqra Alumni Testimonials
Iqra Islamic School gave me a foundation of the basic tenets of my faith which I carry with me throughout my life. I continued to build on my classical Arabic and Islamic knowledge throughout my educational career; in fact, the early Iqra teachings that I received were critical in facilitating my learning in later years. In addition, the friendships I was able to forge during my time at Iqra have been lifelong. Whether we have reconnected during my time in university or in graduate school, there has always been a support system of former staff and peers that has been invaluable to me. It is a community that I have learned to appreciate, and I hope that younger generations of Iqra students may benefit from it. I joined the IISAA association in hopes of building a healthy bridge between alumni and students to strengthen peer support and build connections.

Dalia Yasin, BA, MM
Sustainability and ESG Consultant at AMNIe.org
The six years I spent at Iqra Islamic School laid the foundation for the prosperity in my religion, academics and social life. The teachers focused on ensuring that I was nurtured with essential Islamic knowledge including a firm grasp of the Arabic language, memorization of the Qur’an, and an understanding of the five pillars of Islam, while still providing a high level of education, as is demonstrated by Iqra’s high provincial Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) ranking year after year. The friendships that I made in my six years at Iqra turned out to be the strongest ones after many years later, which has allowed me to maintain a healthy social life with those who share similar values as I do Alhamdulilah. Looking ahead, I hope to one day give my children the same opportunity of attending this wonderful school and setting them up for success inshAllah.

Mohammed Izzat
Sales Consultant at Shaw Communications
When I think back to my time at Iqra, I think of how us boys were all close due to our shared time together. Even if some of us were fighting at the time, we would still play with each other - whether it be soccer, eraser soccer, or manhunt - partly because we were the only friends we had, and partly because as time went on, we grew closer and closer. It is because of this that my favourite memories were of us playing soccer in the area between the new building and the parking lot, of us running around the school playing manhunt, and of us playing eraser soccer on our knees during indoor recess. It is because of the time spent together and the relationships built that I still remember them close to 7 years after we graduated. Even though some of us are in different countries, have jobs, and have careers and career aspirations, we still remember each other and the time we spent together. This is all thanks to Iqra and the way in which its environment and teachers fostered our friendships.

Mohammed Saajid Daya
Student at Douglas College
Attending Iqra Islamic School for my elementary school years created a strong base for the life that I have lived afterward. While attending high school and post-secondary school, as well as working in professional environments, the lessons learned at Iqra Islamic School have carried throughout. Maintaining a strong sense of faith and confidence in my faith as a Muslim are attributes I can carry because of the base I built as a child. Understanding the Arabic language and having a proficiency in reciting the Qur’an are other key ingredients I developed during my time at Iqra. Not only did the school instill faith-based strengths and qualities in my life, but it supported my academic capacity for every challenge that has come since. The people and connections from Iqra Islamic School have been invaluable to my life as an adult and some of my closest friends are those that I first met back when attending Iqra’s elementary school. With IISAA, I hope to reconnect with my peers from elementary school.

Saabir Daya
Account Manager at Jumpfactor Marketing
I attended Iqra Islamic School from Grade 1 to 7. Alhumdulilah, I consider my time at Iqra to be a blessing. I learned how to do well academically and more importantly, how to be a pious Muslimah. Of course, I have flaws and could improve in many ways, but Iqra instilled key values and qualities in me. I believe that it was helpful that I studied at a Muslim school. I learned how diverse and beautiful our religion is. My friends were from different ethnicities but we were united by our faith. My parents tried to raise my siblings and I in an Islamic environment at home which complimented the Islamic environment of Iqra school. I believe that the home and school impact the trajectory of the child and therefore when they are both in line with Islam, the child has the opportunity to grow inwards the deen. I am thankful to Iqra, my teachers, the staff, and my friends for their support and kindness. May Allah bless us all.

Mina Khan, JD, BA
Associate at Hamilton Duncan
My experience at Iqra Islamic School not only provided me with a foundation in Islamic studies but also affirmed my identity as a Muslim. Despite it being over a decade since I was a student at Iqra, the relationships that I built at Iqra continue to assist me through the diverse connections of its graduates. I pray that this is an institution that continues to succeed and help nurture our future leaders.

Ahmed Khan
Research Assistant and Director at RECLAIM
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